

Whiskey lovers will find plenty of places to enjoy their favorite spirit in the City by the Bay.

贝博体彩app的 烹饪 和 夜生活 场景是首屈一指的. 如果你是威士忌爱好者,那么你很幸运. The city is full of exceptional whiskey bars that will appeal to fans of every style. 下面是我们对贝博体彩app必去的威士忌酒吧的指南.



黑鸟 is a hip gathering spot for fine whiskey 和 some of the most creative cocktails in town. Try the "Improved 日本 Cocktail," with Toki 日本 whiskey, Nigori sake, 和 lime. “和我一起走火”的特点是四朵玫瑰波旁威士忌,aquavit和amaro. 在欢乐时光,一定要来尝尝这里的特色菜, 比如10美元的老式饮料或8美元的饮料.

波本威士忌 & 分支


让我们回到禁酒令和喧嚣的20世纪20年代 波本威士忌 & 分支. 仿照20世纪20年代的地下酒吧波本威士忌 & 分支是贝博体彩app最有趣的威士忌酒吧之一. 从各种威士忌和烈酒中挑选, 就像诺亚的磨坊, 水牛跟踪, 里滕豪斯21岁. 苏格兰威士忌的选择包括罕见的最爱像猴肩, 格兰莫兰奇玛歌完成酒, 和1971年的Balvenie. There's also a prized Canadian whiskey called the Crown XR, for those looking to experiment. 如果你在城里有多余的时间, be sure to take some of the "beverage academy" h和s-on cocktail classes at 波本威士忌 & 分支.



这个诱人的地方 从莫斯康中心步行很快就到了吗. 爱尔兰威士忌, 享受布什米尔斯10年单一麦芽威士忌, Knappogue城堡14年, 或米德尔顿非常罕见. An extensive Scotch menu features selections from Glenmorangie, Dalwhinnie, Ardbeg, 和 Bowmore. 这些酒与菜单上的一些经典爱尔兰食物搭配得非常好. 的首领 is also an excellent option for live sports 和 offers a full slate of live music for patrons.



这个色彩缤纷,迷人的屋顶酒吧和餐厅 is one of the city's hidden gems 和 boasts an exceptional whiskey list. Try some rye whiskey favorites, like Michter's, Rittenhouse, or Woodford Reserve. Irish whiskey favorites include Green Spot, Jameson, Bushmills, 和 Red Breast. There are also favorites from Japan 和 the burgeoning Taiwanese whiskey scene, 和 a "whiskeys of the world" menu features French 和 Australian newcomers. 



贝博体彩app最古老的酒吧之一, 长久以来的最爱 那是城里喝威士忌最好的地方之一吗. Start with the "Morning Glory" fizz with Great King Street Glasgow Blend scotch with absinthe, 苏打水, 蛋清. The "Cameron's Kick" boasts Bushmill's Red Bush Irish 和 Dewar's Blended Scotch with lemon 和 orgeat. 试试私人波旁威士忌飞机吧, 或者直接去买米特的最爱, 旋钮溪, 或Rieger.



还有什么能比一家名为 约翰尼·福利的 在奥法雷尔街? 这个舒适的爱尔兰酒吧是一个必去的地方 联合广场. Stop in for some live music, a great bite to eat, 和 one of the best whiskey selections in the city. 其中包括康尼马拉单一麦芽威士忌, 詹姆逊黄金, 约翰权力, 还有布什米尔斯和图拉莫尔的各种露水. Check out the live entertainment calendar to see which great artists are performing that night!



就在赫斯特大厦的中心, 这个漂亮的酒吧 features a classic newspaper theme 和 some of the best live entertainment in town. Grab a selection from their long list of whiskeys 和 spirits, or try one of their special cocktails. The "Brass Knuckle" boasts 日本 whiskey, spiced blood orange liqueur, 和 angostura bitters. 



之一 贝博体彩app最棒的日本餐厅 这里也是顶级威士忌的产地之一. 试试其中一个标志性的航班, 展示了现代日本威士忌的种类和味道. For a more traditional taste, there's also a tasting of favorite Scotch whiskeys. Try the 25-year single malt Yamazaki, with hints of dark chocolate, strawberry jam, 和 blackberry. Other favorites come from the White Oak, Mars, 和 Karuizawa distilleries.



太平洋鸡尾酒港(P.C.H. for short) is a lively bar that has quickly grown into one of the premier cocktail destinations in San Francisco. P.C.H. is known for its creative, balanced cocktails served in a welcoming atmosphere. Here you'll find plenty of whiskey cocktails inspired by Asian Pacific ingredients, 比如黑猩猩和chiote, 哪个有番石榴和孜然, 茄子巫师, 哪家有烤茄子, 花生和橙花水. 你可以来这里喝杯睡前酒, 你也可以从他们的嗨球时间开始你的夜晚, 是每天晚上7点吗.m.



以存放威士忌的地方命名, Rickhouse 贝博体彩app市中心有一家正宗的威士忌酒吧吗. Not only does the Rickhouse offer a full selection of some of the best spirits in the city, 但这家酒吧专门提供一系列创新的威士忌鸡尾酒. Try the "Ramblin' Man," with Noahs Mill 15 year, Cocchi di Torino, 和 becherovka. The "Admiral's Whiskey Punch" features rye whiskey, Jamaican rum, lemon, 和 sparkling water. A "Punch Drunk Buck" includes Irish whiskey, Swedish punch, 和 ginger beer. It's the perfect place for those that want a little bit of fun 和 creativity with their whiskey selections!



位于甲骨文公园以南,米逊湾以东, 七个剧照 是美国第一家啤酒厂吗  酒厂. It was founded on the unique idea of making whiskeys from different styles of craft beer. 他们的菜单上, 你会发现他们自己的食谱, 被称为核心威士忌, 以及他们最喜欢的啤酒厂的配方, 被称为合作威士忌. You can try many of them in their house or hoppy whiskey flights that come in five half-ounce pours. 如果你喜欢你的口味, 和他们一起参观幕后的生产设施, where you’ll receive a first-h和 look into the beer 和 spirits-making process. The tour includes a guided tasting where experts will teach you how to properly smell, sip, 描述不同的威士忌.



它被设计成一个经典的火车站, 第三轨 offers an unbeatable combination: great whiskey drinks 和 some of the best jerky in America. House cocktails include the "Scottish Fizz," with scotch, ginger, apple, 蛋清. "The Raven" features scotch, allspice dram, 和 walnut bitters on a big ice cube. Another favorite is the "Nighthawks at the Diner," with bourbon, applejack, pepper, 和 smoky scotch. 把你最喜欢的饮料和一些令人难以置信的牛肉干搭配在一起. There is a wide variety of beef jerky, mushroom jerky, 和 pork sticks to choose from.



创新的鸡尾酒 & 精致的酒吧是吸引人的地方 真正的月桂树这是懒熊团队的最新景点. You'll find plenty of whiskey in the cocktails 和 on the spirits menu for you to sip. 选自《贝博体彩》, Under the Palms to Bobby Boo-urns to Silk the Shucket 和 the classic Sazerac. And their whiskey collection spans the globe, from Kentucky, Scotl和, Italy, Tasmania 和 India.
