旅游指南 贝博体彩app的格雷斯大教堂 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Beautiful Grace Cathedral towers over California Street in 头山.


Painstakingly built over the course of 37 years after the 1906 earthquake and fire, Grace is both a tourist landmark and a working cathedral known for its inclusivity.

耸立在贝博体彩app上空 诺布山社区在巴黎,标志性的格雷斯大教堂是不容错过的. Known as much for its "Gates of Paradise" as for its breathtaking stained glass windows, 两个迷宫, 跨宗教纪念艾滋病教堂, 雄伟的伊奥利-斯金纳管风琴, the cathedral is the third largest Episcopalian cathedral in the United States. Painstakingly built over the course of 37 years after the 1906 earthquake and fire, the poured-concrete Neo-Gothic cathedral is not only a beautiful tourist landmark and cultural event site, but is also cherished as a working cathedral known for its inclusivity. 欢迎所有人.


格雷斯大教堂的历史可以追溯到格雷斯教堂, a small parish that was built during California's Gold Rush in 1849. 1906年的地震完全摧毁了原来的结构. 克罗克一家, 当时贝博体彩app一个很有影响力的家族, donated their 头山 land for the construction of the present structure. The building of Grace Cathedral began in 1927 but it was only in 1964 that the intricate structure, 所有华丽的细节, 已经完全完成. The landmark event was celebrated with a sermon by Martin Luther King Jr.,有近5000人参加了这次活动.



大教堂的正门由吉贝尔蒂门守卫, 也被称为“天堂之门”." They are a rare replica of the doors designed by famed 意大利 artist Lorenzo Ghiberti for the Florence Baptistry. Cast from bronze and covered with gold, the doors depict important biblical events. 


格雷斯大教堂有两个迷宫,一个在里面,一个在外面. 室外迷宫全天候开放. Trace the design of the labyrinths with your feet and get into a meditative state. 在教堂里练瑜伽, which take place on and around the indoor labyrinth in the middle of Grace's awe-inspiring, beautiful space They are held regularly on Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings. 你可以自带瑜伽垫, but those visiting from out of town may rent a yoga mat for a small fee.



Inspired by 法国 Gothic architecture and such iconic structures as Notre Dame in Paris, 格雷斯大教堂有巨大的彩色玻璃窗和高耸的拱门. 除了, two walls lined with murals depict several important events in the history of San Francisco, 比如1906年的大地震和美国宪法的起草.N. 1945年宪章. The stained-glass windows of the cathedral are decorated with portraits of both biblically significant personalities, 比如亚当和夏娃, 以及世界历史上的重要人物, 比如阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦和罗伯特·弗罗斯特.

If you want to capture the beauty of this awe-inspiring and historic piece of artistry with your lens, 早晨是最好的时间. The cathedral isn't too crowded and the sunlight is just right for some stunning shots of those stained-glass windows.


Check the 网站 ahead of your visit to see if a behind-the-scenes tour is available, which includes the climb to the top of the South Tower for some of the best views of San Francisco.



Grace Cathedral is open to visitors Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. 到5点.下午1点到下午5点.m.

Sightseeing admission tickets are $12 (adults) and include the self-guided tour, 有哪些是英文版的, 西班牙语, 中国人, 法国, 葡萄牙语, 和韩国. 这次旅行也可以是英语讲解的体验.

一定要查看特别事件 网站 在计划行程前. 在这种日子里限制进入.

Individuals seeking a place for prayer or meditation are welcomed at no cost during sightseeing hours. 宗教仪式定期举行. 更多信息,请访问 网站.



Grace Cathedral is located at the intersection of California and Taylor Streets. 加州街缆车 去格雷斯大教堂最方便的路是哪条. 无论你是从市中心还是从范内斯大道出发, 缆车会把你送到大教堂的大台阶. A cable car journey to Grace Cathedral takes approximately 10-15 minutes, 这取决于你从哪里登上缆车. You can also take the 1 Muni bus and get off at Taylor Street or Clay Street. Public transportation is recommended for reaching Grace Cathedral since parking is scarce, 不过格蕾丝大教堂确实有一个付费停车场.


离格雷斯大教堂只有几步之遥, 你会发现许多著名的贝博体彩app酒店, 场馆, 和夜总会.


这座标志性建筑的历史可以追溯到1907年,曾举办过几次美国外交活动.S. 总统. It's also where Tony Bennett first sang "I Left My Heart In San Francisco." You can tour the hotel's lobby or, even better, book a room for the night.



A Polynesian classic, this iconic San Francisco location has been pouring Tonga 梅麻将 自1945年以来. There’s a lagoon in the center of the room where the band will play on a thatched barge, 整个晚上都会周期性地下雨和打雷. Large (and boozy) Tiki cocktails and pupu platters will quickly get you into an island groove.

The house band plays in the lagoon of the world-famous 汤加的房间 at San Francisco's Fairmont Hotel.


这家屋顶酒吧一直是贝博体彩app酒吧的常客 夜生活 自1939年以来. 这家酒吧以招牌鸡尾酒而闻名, 灵感来自贝博体彩app的地标, 壮丽的景色. Given its popularity, try arriving early in the evening for the best seats.



位于诺布山的中心, this beautiful park is known for its centerpiece: a replica of Fountain of the Tortoises, 标志性的罗马装置.


This outstanding venue is one of 头山's many architectural treasures. Whether you're seeing a concert or hosting a banquet, there are few places quite like 的共济会

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.