吃 & 喝 | 贝博体彩app Travel-贝博体彩

吃 & 喝


A bartender serves a patron a cocktail at a bar 在贝博体彩app.

从著名的马提尼酒和酸面包到标志性的食物,比如 任务墨西哥卷 and Dungeness crab, 贝博体彩app is what foodie dreams are made of. Just beyond city limits are fertile fields, 珍贵的葡萄园, 健康的海洋, 这意味着最新鲜的天然食材永远触手可及.

这种令人难以置信的慷慨吸引了一代又一代世界上最有才华、最大胆的厨师,他们重新定义了烹饪世界的各个角落. 所有这些资源和所有这些人才导致了一些真正的创造 贝博体彩app原件cioppino、martini、Irish coffee、Boudin酸面包等等. 贝博体彩app拥有的米其林星级餐厅比美洲任何地方都多,这并非巧合.


Your 贝博体彩app Fine Dining Guide

Indulge in exquisite fine dining experiences 在贝博体彩app. 探索 top 餐厅, gourmet cuisine, and culinary delights. 现在预订您的座位!

Person lifting ramen noodles out of a bowl with chopsticks

Best Bowls Of Ramen In 贝博体彩app

There are plenty of delicious Ramen options 在贝博体彩app, and we've created a diner's guide to the best of the best. 谁饿了?

Chef at Angler, a Michelin-starred Restaurant
A table full of delicious vegetarian and vegan dishes.

The Guide to 贝博体彩app’s Michelin-Starred Restaurants



Best Burritos 在贝博体彩app by Neighborhood

贝博体彩app is the birthplace of the burrito as we know it. 在Mission区及其他地方,你可以在这里找到全城最好的锡箔包装风味炸弹.

Pizzas from Tony's in 北海滩

The Best Pizza 在贝博体彩app by Neighborhood

准备好味蕾! Here are some of the best pizzas 在贝博体彩app.


贝博体彩app's Culinary Scene

A ladle pours sauce over a plate of food.

Why 贝博体彩app is So Delicious

You can eat very well around the world, 但人们正在关注贝博体彩app的烹饪场景,看看接下来会发生什么. Come to experience it for yourself.

  1. A ladle pours sauce over a plate of food.

    Why 贝博体彩app is So Delicious

    You can eat very well around the world, 但人们正在关注贝博体彩app的烹饪场景,看看接下来会发生什么. Come to experience it for yourself.

  2. Sarah and Evan Rich of Rich Table restaurant 在贝博体彩app.

    Meet Evan and Sarah Rich of Rich Table

    People 在贝博体彩app love to eat out. These chefs are two of the reasons why.

  3. 科里李

    Meet Michelin-Starred Chef of Benu, 科里李

    成为一名厨师和磨练自己风格的过程是一生的旅程. See how 科里李 carves his own style 在贝博体彩app.

  4. Heena帕特尔

    Meet Heena帕特尔, Chef of Besharam

    希娜·帕特尔成为贝博体彩app一家最新餐厅的厨师. 53岁的时候.

Crab legs are stacked in a white bowl and sprinkled with fresh dill.

9个标志性的SF食物 & 喝s Every Visitor Must Try

贝博体彩app酸面包. The original Mission burrito. Fresh-off-the-boat seafood in 渔人码头. 海湾之城提供了一群你在其他地方无法体验到的著名美食.

Bread and crab dish from Boudin

The Guide to 贝博体彩app's Best Seafood

From Dungeness crab to cioppino, from clam chowder to oysters on the half-shell, explore the top seafood spots 在贝博体彩app.

吃 & 喝

How Visitors See 贝博体彩app